Shuptrines is known for our restoration and conservation of gilded antiques, damaged frames, mirrors, and furniture. The photos above display some of the mirrors and frames that we restored for the Swan House at the Atlanta History Center. Our resume for restoration in historical accuracy includes Natchez National Historical Park and the Melrose Plantation in Mississippi, the South Carolina Governor’s Mansion and the Georgia Governor’s Mansion, the Tennessee State Museum in Nashville, Greenville County Museum of Art in South Carolina, the Birmingham Museum of Art, The Huntsville Museum of Art the New Orleans Museum of Art including all post-Katrina and disaster restoration involving fire and water damage. We would be pleased to provide you with a free verbal estimate on restoring your gold leaf frames or mirrors, and preserving your antiques and bringing them back to life.
Please call 423.266.4453 or email for more information.

Shuptrine’s additional areas of period restoration and conservation include:
Verre églomisé (gold leaf on glass)
Water, Fire and Smoke Damage Restoration
Art Conservation, Cleaning, and Preservation
Water Gilding and Gold Leaf Services

1750’s French Barometer, Fully Restored. Click HERE to view the entire restoration process.